01 November 2012

Swope Notes

Just a quick heads up on a couple fronts...

-We will be making a lot of changes around the red cabin area over the next 2 weeks.  It will be confusing until we are all finished.  Please bear with us and be patient.  It will make sense when we are all finished...It's all part of the bigger plan.  We started making changes today with the goal of being done by November 11th.  Don't forget the work day this Saturday.

-A request from us:  I hate to ruin anyone's fun, but if we are in the middle of working and are running power equipment either turn around or get off your bike & walk around us giving us a wide berth.  Today, I was running a brushcutter with a metal blade and 2 Strava Kings came within just a foot or two of my blade...hopefully it scared them...because I know it did me.  Common sense, Folks.

-The annual managed deer hunt starts Nov 5 and runs through Jan 15 @ Swope Park CLW area .  Please be respectful of all park users.


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